Kavanaugh, the GOP and Lady Justice

I can empathize with that situation, I would do what they are doing, but I would try to create as strong a case I could before hand. The longer victims of these crimes stay silent, unfortunately and inadvertently to them, it causes them more harm as the case against their accuser becomes harder and harder to prove until it rests entirely on spoken testimony.

Even more unfortunate is given the time period it occured, there were no reliable electronic records, phone calls or anything that can be checked back against. At least in this day and age we can track those and even more. A lot of sexual assaults from this era are very tricky to deal with, you're right, speaking is the most they can do right now, what makes it trickier is the climate and the timing of everything from the elections, the nomination, the accusation timeline, and everything else to give way to motives from both parties, something that was addressed to length in the Senate Judiciary Committee conference yesterday.

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