KIA: "Anti-GGers, let's talk" (...) "GamerGate started with the allegation that Zoe Quinn received positive reviews from people who were very close to her."

HOWEVER one can wonder: why did this issue arise at this particular point? Why ZQ? Well, even though it might not be at the heart of our demands, and not what GamerGate is about, the way she abused her boyfriend while benefitting from this abuse really pissed a lot of people off. It's like seeing the villain win. She's a despicable human and everyone is trying to defend her? Well fuck her. That was, I believe, the sentiment.

Do people not realize that victims of this kind of Internet witch hunt have committed suicide? Yes, ZQ and Gjoni clearly had a fucked up relationship. But it's none of our fucking business. Unless one of them went anonymously to /r/relationships to ask for advice, it's none of, and never has been, our. Fucking. Business.

The onset of the movement. But GamerGate doesn't care about that anymore

GamerGate has also shown absolutely no remorse and continues to shit on ZQ's endeavors.

and our concerns are legitimate: we want to stop people from having their games bought only because of their relations.

Depression Quest was free. Depression Quest was free. Depression Quest was free. Seriously, have they even uncovered anything else???

We really couldn't care less that women play and make games. No one here is out to force women out of the industry. What we despise is the way everyone falls over themselves to protect them whenever they are criticised. Why should half of the population be immuse to criticism? We criticised Zoe Quinn, Anita Zarkeesian and such, and by only dissenting we are labeled as bullies and harassers, even terrorists. And those issues mesh into one movement: GamerGate.

I love how they just gloss over the ACTUAL HARASSMENT that has been going on for what seems like a fucking eternity. Sure, just sweep that right under the rug. Nobody speaks for all of GamerGate, except, apparently, you.

So then you see that we criticise women so you label us misogynists, completely forgetting our actual demands.

No, you dolt, this is what we label misogynist. THAT IS NOT CRITICISM. Speculating on whether or not Wu is a woman is not fucking criticism. Making a meme out of a person's sex life to shame and disparage her is not fucking criticism.

You don't hear us. You don't try to understand what we want. You just see that we criticise some women, you accuse us of misogyny, and you shut the conversation off. This is how we arrived at a point where the widespread definition of our movement (as seen when one searches for "What is GamerGate on Google") is completely oblivious to our actual demands. We are a movement who can't define our own goals.

What if I told you nobody is going to care about your "demands" until you can pull yourselves together and earn some damn respect in the online community

So I hope you can state your own qualms in this thread, and I hope you'll be met with sympathy and understanding.

Heh. We'll see how that goes.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Link -