Kids shouldn't be allowed in apartments

One has the right to have kids and live with them but only as long as it doesn't violate others' rights. Same goes with pretty much anything else, pets, parties, drugs, whatever really...

And my issue is as much as with the parents as the kids, maybe even more so. I mean none if these kids is a toddler which cannot be controlled etc, they are grown up kids yet acting so irresponsibly because not only their parents won't stop them but actually encourage them. Sure you can't "make" a toddler stop crying by you definitely can stop your kids wrestling at 12am or listening to loud TV at 9am....

About buying a house, as I mentioned in another comment, there are no houses in the city I live in. I will definitely get out of the city when I can, but that's not an option for now.

And yes they are breaking all the rules you can imagine, but there is no enforcement. The management himself is one of those three neighbors actually...

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