Me and my partner had a very bad argument today. He told me “I’m not even that pretty” I can’t look at myself in the mirror now. I feel sick

I haven't read your post history. Based only on your comment, I want to add that most couples say nasty things to each other from time to time. People should réalise that it is harder to stay in a relationship and make it work than find a new one.

You're not even that pretty means that you are pretty, but I am unhappy because of something that happened. This person is likely full of insecurities which can happen for many reasons. Now, I haven't read your post history because I find this snarky. But based only on this comment, I would say to ignore what he said and wait for real signs. You will never stay in a relationship long enough if you give up at first hardship.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread