Men who had female friends who were flirty, but never had a physical relationship with you, what happened?

I have a close female friend who's been very flirty with me forever. Last summer I was visiting her along with some other friends, we were drinking all day and I felt like she was extra flirty. She was very touchy with me and only wanted to talk with me. Also it just so happened that I was in a very low point because of a short-lived relationship I was in ended abruptly. So when I was alone with her on my friend's bed I kissed her out of no where (like it was unexpected even to me). She acted really confused, I apologized because it was weird, she then kissed me back, and then she got really flustered and started asking me why I did it. I really didn't have an answer I think I just mumbled something about it being the right thing to do. Honestly I have it almost blocked from memory because I was really drunk and I'm so embarrassed of it now. It was this weird situation where I don't even really remember deciding to do it, it just happened.

I think I regret it because all it did was ratchet up the tension even more. I think she's always been interested in me a little bit, but knew enough that I was drunk and depressed and the kiss meant nothing.

/r/AskMen Thread