Mexico’s government on Wednesday slammed US presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s proposals to deport undocumented immigrants en masse and make Mexicans pay for a wall separating the two countries as absurd, racist and ignorant.

Guys this is just the opinion of an 19 year old kid who lived in the U.S. illegally for 16 years I'm currently applying for residency and I have my visa appointment in a week. I'm not exactly 100% sure how I was brought in its something I wasn't even told I was illegal until I was ten.

As far as why I think Trump is getting all this flack is because of his comments on what he thinks illegal immigrants are (rapist and murders ect.) If he didn't say that he wouldn't have a target on his back about all the things he says regarding Mexico.

Now as far as what I think personally about building a wall that Mexico should help fund I have to agree Mexico is very strict not just on immigration but LITERALLY everything. Schools,jobs, getting mail, applying for jobs, everything is super strict except for one thing and it's actual legit crime. I work at a bar and the other day there was a fight and the police were called they came 30 mins later and when they saw a man knocked out on the side of the road they ignored him.

Being in Mexico for a year has shown me how hypocritical the country truly is. Another example of how strict it can be Is that one day I was walking down the street and I passed a "school" who specializes in teaching English and computer programs. Those computer programs you ask? Word excel and PowerPoint. Three of the easiest computer programs. The lady came up to me and asked if I know how to use these I told her I did she then asked for a certificate or else she didn't believe I didn't know how to use the program 100%. Again I'm sorry I'm not using the nifty text designer on Microsoft word to make my college essays looks cute.

I would say that yes the wall should be built to not let illegals in but at the same time those who want to come in legally should be go through an easier process.

In my case the law says the moment I turn 18 and a half I'm responsible for still staying in the country and should be given a 3 year punishment. Thankfully my lawyer was like "Bro you gotta leave before then to come back sooner" so I followed her advice even then that was almost two years ago. A process that claimed to only take 6 months made me wait two years. I was about to start college in the states. I couldn't go to college in Mexico because I can't read Spanish that well and also why spend money on an education In Mexico when I can be called back at any moment. Not to mention the fees. I'm surprised my dad hasn't gone completely broke.

I'm a native born Mexico but I truly feel like the United states is my home. I speak English a lot better then Spanish. I've been accustomed to the United states way of living I can't imagine living the way people do here. I love America with its flaws. But at least there my opportunities are endless. To sum it up I agree with the Mexico having no room to talk and to build bigger walls. But at least make it easier for folks who want to come in legally and why send all illegals back? I know we all broke the law. Why not give those without criminal records and do there taxes (because there are some like my father) a chance Maybe give them a punishment but give those of us who tried our best to follow your rules and worked hard to provide for our families in ways our native county wouldn't let us. Last time I checked America gave opportunity way back in the day give those of us that can prove it our opportunity

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