Modern education in today's world

So i saw this and did some math. For those non Americans ' means: in feet ' ' means: in inches Estimating based on the average height of males, we can guess the wall is 9 feet high. There are 7 stacks of bills, and a dollar bill is 6.14 x 2.61 x. 0043 inches and weigh 1 gram, but there is room for one more stack of bills, so we can say that the ledge is approximately 22 inches long (8 x 2.61). *So this is a 9' by 22'' ledge. * That staircase is two stacks wide, so lets call it an even foot (6.14 x 2). So the staircase needs to go up 9' over 22'' this calls for each stack to rise by 13.5 inches (9' % 8''), over double the standard stair height in the US. So to simplify this, let's say there are eight stacks but the first stack (x = 0) has no height. We can write this equation as [ f(x) = 13.5x]. From this we can get total height of bills by either using an integral (fancy way) or by adding it up (simple way). For simplicity we will just add it up. So height = f(0) + f(1) + f(2) + f(3) + f(4) + f(5) + f(6) + f(7) + f(8). Which equals 351 inches, just shy of 30 feet! So now we need to calculate how many bills are in that two of those stacks (remember we just calculated the height of the stacks, we need to multiply by 2 to get the total height of the stair). So if a bill is. 0043'' high, and we have 702 inches of bills. That means we have roughly 165,000 bills. Or about 165 killograms of bills, (roughly 365lbs for Americans). In the picture, each of those bills are 1,000 dollar bills. That means one of those staircases is worth approximately one hundred sixty five million dollars. And because we can see three staircases we are looking at just shy of half a billion dollars. To give you some scale of that amount of money. With a billion dollars you could: Pay for the entirety of US government spending for. 4 hours 10 minutes Pay for 18,518 weddings at 27k a pop Build 1,666 houses at 300k a pop Attend 50,000,000 movies at 10$ per Pay for two blockbuster movies ... Jesus christ ... Tldr; That's half a billion dollars

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