My gf told me that i have what's called a "boyfriend dick"

Your GF is super sus, OP. That can be a pretty sensitive topic to broach with a man, especially given the prevalence of sundry dick size jokes and curled pinky fingers in popular culture. Within the context of an intimate relationship, this is a minefield that just isn’t worth navigating unless it’s causing real dissatisfaction.

The fact that she proactively asked you how you felt about your size (while you two were lying in bed, presumably after having sex) indicates that she was thinking about it before you were, and that her conclusion was not favorable.

And anyone with half a brain would’ve anticipated the natural response to that question: “Why? What do you think?” This also means she was intentionally creating a segue to volunteer her own decidedly unenthusiastic opinion on the matter; it was a calculated question with a prepared answer. “It’s not one night stand or fwb exciting, but it’s great boyfriend material.” Wtf kind of backhanded bullshit is that?

I’ll tell you what it is, my dude: it’s manipulative, classic negging. Taken together with other barbed, unsolicited comments about your height and your facial hair, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that your girlfriend is intentionally chipping away at your self-esteem.

How about this? The next time she gets all made up for a night out and asks you how she looks, just squint your eyes, cock your head quizzically and ask, “how do you feel about your weight?”

I’m kidding. Don’t do that. It’s pretty revenge and you’re above that.

But seriously, if I were you I’d get out while I still had some self-respect left. I’ve seen other friends (both male and female) in relationships with partners who would make consistent, subtly undercutting remarks like this, and it took them years to regain confidence once they were free.

You’re young yet, dude. You’ll find someone who loves the way you are, or at least loves you enough not to tear you down.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread