Needing advice on guy who doesn’t want to talk about what we are and my growing anxiety

Say to him or text him: “Hey, I’m getting the feeling that we’re not on the same page where this is going. I’m actually looking for something committed. I like you a lot, and we have spend a lot of time together, but I’m ready to take the next step and am not comfortable continuing things as casual as they are now. I hope you understand. Take care.”

He might let you go. He might need some time (like a few weeks, not seeing each other!!!) to think and then wants to commit. Important is that you figure out if you want him.. People can get so caught up in the “I want them to want me” mindset, that they can forget if they actually really really like them...

My story: my partner now said exactly the same, we dated for a few months, exclusive but not being official, he wasn’t ready to commit clearly, had some personal problems, year out of an 8 year relationship etc. I said the above and then went on a 5 week long trip away (coincidence), we did keep in touch, he went to therapy, when I came back he committed and now we’re so happy and he’s very committed and loyal. If he wouldn’t have been ready I would’ve just moved on! You should too sooner rather than later.. If/ when he’s ready.. he can call you, you can go do your own thing. Remember: if they wanted to, they would

/r/dating Thread Parent