The NEVERAGAIN students have been receiving some incredibly supportive mail...

A mass killing occurred: not unlike mass killings that occur in other places with other means at greater frequency than the US, regardless of how loose or tight their respective gun laws are.

The students have taken it upon themselves to demand a gun ban as the solution, which will have a non-existent impact on mass killings, or killings, or accidental deaths, or crime in general. Additionally, they have accused millions of Americans of having "blood on their hands" because they have chosen self-defense instead of victim-hood by arming themselves against potential danger.

And what are these Americans expected to receive from a gun ban, in additional to a totally negligible affect on the whole? A hundred million law-abiding Americans get to be turned into criminals overnight. They get to surrender the means to their right to self-defense. They get to watch as the principles the nation was founded on get shat on (if you think that's an over-statement, you don't understand the love that real Americans have for their founders and the principles of government they espoused).

People, being people, are lashing out in rage, because people suck, which is precisely why the media and political action groups should never have propped up a bunch of kids to be used as human shields for their agenda.

The reality is that the vast majority of the US is virtually identical to Switzerland in that, a) guns are everywhere, and b) gun crime is virtually non-existent. These Americans don't much appreciate being criminalized because a half-dozen neighborhoods can't get their shit together, nor do they appreciate being told that they should rely on the government to defend them when there were literally dozens of opportunities for the government to intervene and chose not to in order to advance a political correctness agenda.

You want clarity? The same cultural Marxists that have been trying to manipulate every tragedy in order to subvert American principles are at it again. Good day, good sir.

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