Not Angry, Just Disappointed Advice Mallard

Oh I have a few, couple of my pals too: 1) Being irrelevant in a conversation because of my skin color/gender/social standing 2) Being insulted on the street for being a "white Nazi", just for being bald. 3) Having trouble in work for speaking out in work about an unpopular "white" opinion. 4) Being associated with fucking Trump just because of my skin color.

etc... yada yada yada...

Just because you didn't have any problems in your closed off group, doesn't mean you're the rule. From me and my friends stand, you're the exception. Discrimination isn't a one way street. While it's not the holocaust, it is a social stigmatization and stereotypes that automatically make you an automatic "bad guy" in a number of social situations. You can't even point out a problem, because you get socially lynched. Because of this I can see why the Alt-Right is getting bigger, as people even with legitimate complaints are just pushed aside and discredited because of their gender/race/whatever.

And... yeah. I bet somebody will say my opinion and experiences don't matter in this thread too... because I'm white. I won't even try to continue the conversation, as I don't want to listen to insults all day again. Whites don't matter.

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