Now that marijuana is almost legal, these kind of people are becoming a thing.

Want to see how fast you can get downvoted? Mention the karma from using cocaine aka, it went through murdering torturing raping cartels, how the mules extort the immigrants and even kill them after fleecing their families, how each molecule has pain and suffering karmically linked, how usually douchebaggery and depression is always invoked let alone dependance, and past the herd of wild downvotes rushing down on you, you'll get the wall street wanna bes and frat boy mindsets that will fight their cognitive dissonance by informing you you're too uptight, how they can manage a good time without being addicted, and then review your post history and rant strawman attacks about what a fucking Edgelord nerd and white knight you are , cause you stated a fact yet soap boxing, virtue signalling, and planting a flag on the wrong mountain, when really, anyone doing coke should respect just how fucking disgustingly obsurd the logistical nightmare the stuff brings with it, and the experience consists of : short lived euphoria and shit talk tangents followed by over stimulation and sole focus on more for hope of sex that will be plagued by a super limp broke dick, and one too many trips to an ATM then sketchy people in sketchy places.

My asshole now braces. I'm not saying bring it, but let's see how this comment goes over with the coke loving tools who loft the virtues of a dogshit stimulant when many other more subtle research chemical stimulants exist without the karma.

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