Perhaps I am mildly OCD, but I've been looking forward to this for months!

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My little blurb about that

I was diagnosed in middle school. My main problem was double touching things and freaking out over noises I couldn't control.

But I also had intrusive thoughts. I had NO idea that they were part of OCD. I would have thoughts like "kick that dog" or "drop the baby".I never acted on these thoughts, but they kept popping up. For over 20 year I thought I was an evil person. I had such low self esteem, not based on my looks but based on who I am as a person.

After a hospital stay for depression and an eating disorder I finally told the doctors about my thoughts. I was told that they were just a part of OCD. I am not a bad person. A person with OCD has a hard time stop thinking about something once it gets in your head. If you don't have OCD you may think "kick that dog", but then you would think that is stupid... I would never do that. And then the thought is gone.

But with OCD I think "kick the dog".... WTF I won't do that "kickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedogkickthedog". Then I normally remove myself from the situation because I am afraid I might do it.

This lead me to avoiding people and certain situations because I thought I might hurt someone.

Now that I understand intrusive thoughts I am much more comfortable.

and In response to this vide0

I often have people listen to this when I try to explain intrusive thoughts. They don't happen as often, but for people with OCD similar things can happen. Normally it is your own voice telling you to do something over and over until you leave the situation. Like if someone hands me their dog I would have the thought "kick it. Kick it. KICK IT." The entire time I am with the animal.

Another is if I am running outside I would hear RUN INTO THE ROAD!!!!!!! Which resulted in me only going on treadmills for a while.

But that's off meds and without therapy.

Thought I'd also add self harm can be high too if you have intrusive thoughts. If you disobey or break an OCD rule I may get the thought yelling cut yourself. This makes the cycle of OCD super awful. You either do what you OCD behaviors are or face the intrusive thought to hurt yourself over and over again. Freaking awful.

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