Please convince my mom that a smith machine is not a substitute for a squat rack.

I am a 6'2 240 pound solid bodybuilder and have been lifting for 30 years. You are 6'1 and 150 pounds soaking wet and with what experience? So Please! Tell me all about the fuck you know?

And you aren't elite, but we should defer to you because you haven't seen it at your elite gym? You think because you go to a gym that has a couple of oly platforms that makes you a big swinging dick with something to say?

Most gyms don't have oly platforms like your gym apparently does. Some gyms only have one power rack. Most gyms aren't elite gyms either and most people, particularly those in this sub, don't attend such gyms.

I use a Smith Machine once a week for squatting as well as a power rack. I have been using one for close to ten years, safely. Have you used one? Have you seen anyone get injured using one?

I skimmed your comment history, you are just a jumped up little spit-fuck who thinks he knows a little bit of something about everything. I would love to see you run your mouth in a elite gym and watch everyone just stop what they are doing to listen enraptured to your pearls of wisdom, all 150 stacked pounds of it. Some advice, most people will never figure out your a dumb ass if you just learn to stop opening your mouth. That's some wisdom for you. I suggest you take it.

What could you know about anything rel and yet you have the chutzpah to lecture me about what I know? Where did you get all your smarts on lifting? You think because you go to a gym that has oly platforms that somehow you are one of the studs now too and that you know a little something?

How many elite weightlifters or strongmen or power-lifters do you think are hanging out in this sub? Most gyms don't even have elite level gym-goers.

/r/Fitness Thread Parent