Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been egged by a protestor.

This is what happens when;

a) You glorify a kid for smashing an egg over the head of an ACTUAL far-right senator, and;

b) When you start calling politicians you disagree with 'far-right' as a smear to discredit them.

Now you've got misguided children smashing eggs over politicians all the while fully convinced that said politicians are far-right. Come on.

Thanks to this wanker, and all the wankers who cheered at the other wanker for egging that far-right wanker, the Liberal party is going to have a third parliamentary term in power. The guy who [wants to give 'internet trolls' a 5 year maximum jail sentence]( and [has signed off on a crucial part of the Adani coal mine]( has just been handed a fucking election win.

Good job, you lesbianic troglodyte.

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