Protesters block entrance to Trump Tower

America willingly elected a fascist. You had a fantastic country that had a few problems but they could have been fixed. You gave it all away, yet again proving to the world that you are a nation full of fucking retards. Do you have any idea who you just elected to be president? I mean, seriously? Holy mother of god. Hahahaha!!! It's all fun and games while it's only Mexican illegal immigrants and Muslims whose lives he fucks up, right? It never ends there with fascists. Once he starts hurting and killing people that you know and love, then it won't be so pleasant. Reality will set in very quickly for you sub 90 IQ fucktards. How fucking dumb can you be? It's incredible!!

The inmates are now running the asylum. God help you people. I thank god I am far the fuck away from America and I intend on keeping it that way. You can kiss your country goodbye. You'll be on your knees begging for Obama back very shortly. Guaranteed. Germans must feel more disgusted than anyone else at the choice you made. Say hello to President Adolf Hitler the Second.

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