Put your money where your mouth is

I'm sorry I have yet to respond to all of your valuable comments, and I apologize for not doing so sooner. I really appreciate all of you taking the time to reflect on what I said and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I've been milling over the issues I mentioned in my post. We did ended up having sex on Sunday evening..

This week has been going just fine, pretty routine really - get home around 6pm, eat dinner while watching TV, and then each of us minds his/her own business. No quality time (by which I don't just mean sex, but intimate interaction). She's complaining about not sleeping well (about 3-4 hours a night). I'm basically just riding it throughout the week. I have my own ways to deal with this, mainly by staying busy and doing sports.

I fear for the future because obviously I'm crazy about this woman, but I also feel that she'll continue to struggle with the very basic ingredients required to have a decent life, such as keeping a career afloat and doing basic housekeeping. Sure, we do nice stuff together sometimes, but I often feel like I'm forcing her to do something she doesn't -really- want to do. I need to have a sit down with her this weekend. Still very confused and conflicted. Obviously it's time for me to take action and I see a forking path ahead of me..

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread