Reddit, my friend is chronically depressed/suicidal and I need advise on how to help

I think that you need to understand something very important.

The first thing you need to do is step back and stop for a minute. Read the talking tips from the sidebar here.

Alright, so......

You need to stop trying to convince your friend not to commit suicide. Because the more you argue that it's never an option, the more she is going to realize you don't understand where she's coming from. The more you say "not all humans are selfish and people love helping each other" the more she is going to think of all the times that wasn't true.

When you say "that there is happiness in life and that suicide would tear her away from those joys,", what she thinks is, "Oh, yeah, all those things are happy.....until you're suicidal or depressed." Because then they don't bring joy. They just make it hurt worse. Anything that used to help me, generally makes me feel more suicidal if I'm reminded of it now.

"I tell her that what she read in the Bible was interpreted differently. I tell her how people are alive for a reason and they cannot "return home to God" until they have properly completed their life on Earth, and ending life early will not bring her true comfort." Thing is, you don't know that, and you need to stop trying to convince her that suicide is not an option because clearly to her, it is an option. and the more you argue and fight her on that, the more she's going to think "Oh, so-and-so really doesn't get where Im coming from."

"In hindsight, I truly regret these responses and believe I could have told her something better at that moment. She did not respond well to them as she told me those statements were cliché and meant nothing to her. But, I remind her things are cliché because they are true."

It is good taht you raelize those responses were a bad idea. Things are not cliche because they are true. Things are cliche because they are repeated often, nothing more.

I cannot stress enough to read the talking tips from the sidebar. Saying ""having so much to live for" and that "suicide is not going to make anything better." Isn't true from her perspective.

For instance, from my friends perspective, I have lots to live for and suicide isn't going to help. however, from my perspective, i want to go die and suicide will totally help because I won't feel pain anymore. You need to meet her where she is.

The more people told me suicide wasn't an acceptable answer, the more it became one to me.

Theres one last thing that might have been good or bad. You told her to, "Read stories about people with suicidal thoughts who recovered and live happy lives when they get better."

Sometimes, reading positive things helps us. It gives us perspective . but often, with someone who is depresed or suicidal, it does the oppposite. It reminds us of all the happiness we can't seem to get. It might help her, and that's good, but sometimes things like that backfire.

Again, the taking tips are vital, because you need to change how you're talking to her. Also, theis link might be of use, also from the sidebar.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread