Repeated radio signals coming from galaxy 1.5 Billion light years away, scientists have announced

To an astronomer: Interesting, another repeating radio signal detected. I wonder if a supernova, rotating body, quasar, or something similar could be putting off this type of energy.

To a redditor: Blinking signals coming towards us? WTF? Are you guys thinking what I'm.. I mean, what else could it.. I'm just going to go ahead and say it:

We just made first contact!

Sorry guys, unless this thing starts beeping in morse code, we are never going to learn much more about it.

Additionally, if this WERE an alien race - we would be assuming they haven't gone extinct in the last 1.5 billion years. Conversely, if we wanted to send a message back, it would take a minimum of 1.5 billion years, even if that were possible (which it isn't).

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