Is Rocket League still welcoming to new and casual players?

Biggest problem of this "co op team based multiplayer games" generation for me is that they fail to address the simple problem where, unless you are playing with a premade team, and even then, its very often your experience will be unenjoyable because of differenting opinions, be they right or wrong.


Youre high ranked in a game like League of Legends and play an off-meta champion. People would quit or rage at you or often just give up because you are trolling. Then 2 weeks later a pro plays it and it becomes meta and everyone plays it. They dont evaluate it often, just disagree with the pick.

Same with csgo on a strategy level of when or where to rush, play slow or fast etc.

It got to the stage where i had to stop playing overwatch because i was playing with a friend group of blizzard and mainly more casual rpg gamers, and as someone with over 15 years of competitive PC shooters was being told when we lost it was because i was X hero and not Y, when really its because half my team were missing all their shots, the other team were better at the game, and id be doing more damage as a support or passively etc.

Not sure the solution. Personally id opt for removing chat in a game like league (i know you can disable it each game), and stick purely with a ping system and increased penalties for leavers.

Think Karma systems would help a lot too when implemented properly to weed out those with bad/anti team attitudes.

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