Rockstar's statement on OpenIV being shut down

u/Veloxz's comment elsewhere:

[I hate it to see how publishers are taking more and more radical actions against modders / third party developers.

No one seems to care or to do anything against it. We just let them do their thing.. It's obvious whats happening.

Publishers try to eliminate any effort of the community to bind the customers to their restrictive Terms of Service and EULAs, to force them buying DLCs and doing microtransactions, to make them buy new games instead of prolonging old games' lifespans.

It's top-notch capitalism and trying to maximize profits, though these companies like TakeTwo, Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda ALREADY MAKE BILLIONS of dollars with their franchises.

It's getting out of control..

Remember that one of the most successful franchises (Counter-Strike) was made by a modder. Lest we forget!](

Sadly there's no getting through to the heads of the people running those companies.

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