Snopes: Election-Related Transgender Youth Suicides Facebook rumors claimed that as many as eight transgender children committed or attempted suicide immediately after the 2016 presidential election.

And Democrat Obama promised to end the war. I voted for him. Not only didn't he end the war, he expanded it on several new fronts. We're supposed to praise the Democrats for that?! I think not.

As for what caused the 2008 stock market crash, yup, the GOP's loosening of regulations on the banking industry was a big factor. Bill Clinton's loose lending policies at Fannie Mae during his administration likely didn't help matters either. Sadly, Obama and the Dems didn't have the balls to adequately tighten banking regulations after the stock market crash in order to prevent another one in the future. That's because the Dems are almost as beholden to the banking industry as are the Republicans. That's why Hillary was giving pricey speeches to Wall Street tycoons and telling us one thing while she told them another. She's still blaming those who revealed her duplicity for her loss rather than herself for being duplicitous in the first place.

And while we're discussing deregulation, it has been going on since the 1970s in countless industries (airlines, telephones, electricity, natural gas, banking etc.) through presidential administrations of both political parties -- always to the consumers' detriment, in my opinion. Money talks. And corporations have plenty of money to "buy" deregulation and all other kinds of legislation that benefit big business at the expense of the average American. However corporations don't vote. People do. If people routinely got up off their lazy asses and voted, it would decimate the ability of corporate America to purchase our government. But they're usually too busy watching TV and doing other stupid bullshit to vote in order to help bring about "good government."

Of course, quite a few people did get up off their asses and vote on November 8th. Trump won fair and square. I bet that many of the protestors in America didn't even vote. As for the anarchists, I have no sympathy for them. I still believe in the rule of law as do most Americans. Law enforcement should bust the asses of anybody who demonstrates by any means other than peacefully. Nobody is going to be allowed to derail the transition of power, however, distasteful that may be to some people. Not Americans and certainly not foreigners. If they don't like it, that's their problem.

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