I want to stop being a curmudgeon

My mom gave me some good advice years ago that I have to remind myself constantly. I am a cynic and pretty negative person by nature and she is almost the polar opposite. I can easily go from having a good day to just pissed off by the dumbest shit which just leads to getting angrier at other things and it just doesn't stop. She spent most of her life working in a corporate management level job where it is incredibly easy to get in a bad mood from dealing with morons every single day.

What she told me is that the only person that affects how I feel is me. Stupid people are everywhere. They aren't going away. They aren't going to get smarter. The guy that cut me off in traffic doesn't give a flying fuck if I get pissed off or that the rest of my day is ruined because of it. The idiot arguing with me about any random topic leaves the argument and doesn't give me or that argument a second thought. The lady in front of me in the grocery line that's taking 20 minutes to write a check walks out of that store just the same way whether I am mad or not. Getting angry because I'm stuck in traffic isn't going to make the traffic go away. Me walking around pissed off or continuing any negative thoughts because of something someone else does is actively letting that person make my life worse for no other reason than I am just letting them do it.

My "secret", if anything, is that I have to laugh at things and realize just how stupid they are. I just have to step back, laugh at myself and laugh at the entire situation and how ridiculous it is that I would let something so trivial even have a slight impact on my day. I only have a certain number of days in this world and I don't want to spend them getting mad at shit that doesn't even matter because of people or things that don't matter.

You only have a limited amount of time. You either spend it happy or you spend it unhappy. You won't get it back either way. It's a choice you make every day, many times a day. Nobody else has the right to make that choice for you.

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread