This sub is fantastic. I hope I'll be gone by the end of next week.

Hi,14 yo kid here i wanted to ask something

I feel like I’m useless about everything.when I tried to do something it always fails and then someone else will show up and do it perfectly so i gave up on everything and don’t know what to do

I don’t really feel like i have friends.I just knows people but they don’t treat me well and I always felt left out but never talked to any therapist or psychologist because i’m scared to tell my parents.i also think i have problems communicating with people too(autism?),might figure that out later

Now i got the worst grade in the class and is below the point that would be able get to better schools so i stuck here while everyone else moved on to better places

I feel like My parents don’t really care about me.they do says”love you”and stuff but they don’t even know that i’m in trouble.yes,the homeworks and low grades may be my fault but they don’t do anything to help me get better

I read a lot about people saying adult life sucks and if it’s harder than what i am facing,I might not want to experience that at all.

As a 34,what do you think?to grow adult in misery or die young in happiness

I don’t have suicide plans right now,maybe next summer.wait until I finished doom eternal.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread