Suspect in rape trial makes court appearance with burns on him. Rape victim died in a housefire night before original court date.

Today, it costs $10,000 to put a pound of payload in Earth orbit. NASA's goal is to reduce the cost of getting to space to hundreds of dollars per pound within 25 years and tens of dollars per pound within 40 years.

It'll never be cost effective to do that.

Honestly a point blank surprise shotgun to the back of the head is just about as quick and painless as you can get. Very few people have survived shotguns to the head. Almost no one in history has survived point blank shotgun to the back of the head.

It might look messy, but for the person being shot it'd be like being alive one second and having your brain destroyed the next. You'd be dead before you even register what happened.

Have them walking down a hall and randomly shoot them with it so they can't know when it's coming.

For the people that want that cathartic feelings, they'll still get the satisfaction of his head exploding.

The guillotine is also surprisingly painless too, they've done studies on decapitating rats. Problem is the head is aware for a few seconds after.

I can understand people that want thw gas that causes a euphoria, and makes you fall asleep without you realizing you're dying, but your body is still going to suffer from the lack of oxygen when you pass out.

No, a random shotgun to the back of the head is best, quickest, least painful, and they'll have almost no opportunity to realize they're dying.

Destroy the brain quickly and completely.

I would imagine people would be squeamish about executing people like that, but besides looking extremely gory and graphic, why is it a bad way to execute a prisoner? That honestly seems to be one of the most humane ways to do it. Much more humane than how we normally kill them.

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