Swedish street the day after the terrorist attack

Thats a slight false way of looking at it. You can live a long life among Isis supports and potential terrorist i bet. It wont be a peaceful or happy life that i can tell you. People in Sweden are afraid of the culture clashes. The parallel societies that exists and the friction between different ideologies. Worst case scenario happened yesterday.. those chances might be slime be its not the full story.

What people (particular in Sweden) don't understand is this. They are gonna have to find a way to live side by side with those that practice a strict religion. We have freedom of religion and some practices are just not compatible. Media (and the leftwing) is always taking about dialogue and discussion. Its a bit arrogant and naive of Swedes thinking they can change a person deep beliefs over a coffee and a couple of friendly smiles.

I am not criticizing or putting any judgement on Islam. I have many muslim friends and none of them, no matter have many years or kids they have in Sweden, will ever consider changing their values. On the contrary. Parents and second generations usually finds it MORE important to hold firmly on it because of the split from their home country. Assimilation and living side by side will be the best hope, and they just have to soak it up that their values will differ and thats the way its gonna be for generations to come. I grew up in a "ghetto" part of a city and i laugh at the so called "experts" and integration ministers. They have no clue how it works in these families and communities.

/r/pics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com