Teacher taking her frustrations on on a student for disrupting the class

I have daddy issues. Used to crush on my middle school teacher. Kept in contact for almost a decade after. No relationship more than a teacher and student. Would come to him for life advice. He never took a pass at me or anything.

Well, one day I hit him up telling him about my then situation of my car getting stolen, getting kicked out of my boyfriend’s parents house, and just at an all time low within a weekend. I was 23 so he offered to take me out for drinks to talk about life because he knows the feeling of depression.

Welp, come to find out he suffers from major depression disorder since he was little. Never enjoyed a thing in life. He eventually told me he ordered a gun. In my state there’s a 10 day waiting period before receiving your gun. Not to to harm anyone, but he shared an analogy that will never leave my mind, “if you’re riding a roller coaster and you’re not enjoying it, you should have the option to leave”. I was pretty tipsy at this point so I kind of just paused, thought to myself, and just... drank my beer. The night went on as if he never told me. A little flirting, a little laughing. He could tell I was pretty drunk at one point and I wanted to keep drinking with my teacher I used to be so infatuated with (and definitely someone I’ve been wanting to bone), but he realized I should stop drinking and took me home. Side note, he was a total gentleman in the sense that he never crossed any lines unless I made the move first. We’re walking to the car, arm and arm. I held his hand on the drive home... and that was that. I definitely would have offered him to come inside but I didn’t formally break up with my then boyfriend so it would have been technically cheating. The night sadly ended and that was that.

Anywho, the next day I just had this heavy weight on my shoulders. I drove by his work everyday for about a week to make sure he even made it to work and hopefully not kill himself. I didn’t know what to do with the information and didn’t want to tell the police bc it really is his right to own a gun. I eventually looked up his address on whitepages.com, drove to his house, and told his brother he purchased a gun to kill himself and didn’t know when it was coming. Texted him a couple days later and he vaguely told me he was fired and had to turn in his keys to his classroom. Haven’t really heard from him since.

What’s really crazy, fast forward a couple years and I find out one of my managers is dating a principal... of a middle school... that I went to... that my teacher taught at. I asked him if she ever told him about this certain teacher and he said yeah. He told me my teacher was angry with them bc of debts owed to him or something and had a gun but didn’t necessarily threaten them. We were both just stunned to share knowledge of a very particular situation. The end.

What a small world.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it