Tenancy changes go too far

The government wants to solve the problem without spending money; hence they put the bill onto someone else. Curious that if any individual tried that solution to a problem they would be laughed out of the room.

This is absolutely something the government should be paying for and is only cause a greater divide between landlords and tenants...

I’ll repeat, I’m saying it’s not justified to make landlords foot the cost for something the government should be paying.

a single case of domestic violence and the landlord loses money and will be forced to do everything in their power to boot that tenant out.

Unfortunately, this is the quite likely scenario in the current property investment climate where most (self proclaimed) “property investors” are running a cashflow neutral/negative gig. It’s just the way it is, however I’m not saying it’s a good thing.

The tenant will feel hard done by, even though they were just using the law to its intended effect and would make an already tough situation even worse for everyone involved.

Do you disagree with this?

/r/newzealand Thread Parent Link - nzherald.co.nz