I was tired of being ugly, so I got a gym membership, started bodybuilding, got a haircut, learned to trim my beard and started smiling more

I do and for you to tell me, a total stranger, I have no idea what it’s like is asinine. I was stuck in the same cycle this guy seems to be in, obviously there are factors that I don’t know about because I’m not a doctor and I don’t know this man from the next. But this level of anger can be controlled. I in no way said he didn’t need medial help, because it seems like he certainly does. What I’m saying is, if this dudes on Reddit lashing out trolling in the comments where he knows he will get a reaction, I don’t feel bad for him. He made a comment saying (in some or less words) “all I do is get downvoted in the comment section on Reddit, that draws home the fact that I’m not like everyone else” No dude you get downvoted because you insult people right off the bat and are aggressive to people who did nothing to deserve it. I used to be angry and alone- almost determined to be unhappy. Didn’t matter what anyone said to me, i would just dismiss it as “oh they don’t know what it’s like, I’m just different than everyone else”. It took some hard self analysis and acknowledgment from myself that ya know, hey maybe people aren’t trying to judge me 24/7 and might actually be able to help. It took someone close to me to really lay it on the line. Not necessarily something I wanted to hear, or even welcomed. But until you come to terms with it yourself and get the help- be that professional- or otherwise- you need then nothing is going to change. You can change how you approach people. It’s a whole lifestyle change and I hope he finds a life he is happy with one day. For all we know the account could be totally fake and I’m preaching my ass off for someone who just likes to watch strangers pour their heart out online- idk it’s Reddit.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent