Universal healthcare doesnt make sick people materialize out of nowhere to fill hospitals, those people would still exist and just die at home under a private system

This is far from the truth, and a gross mischaracterisation of the sentiments of those against universal healthcare. I'm Swedish, born and raised. The queues to the public healthcare are atrocious, and during the last couple of years, for the first time as far as I'm aware, people have started dying while waiting several months for treatments that are provided on average in about a single month in other western countries. Our alarming immigration is largely to blame for this, though decades long gross mismanagement of taxes and a woefully inefficient bureaucratic system and public service sphere, that is arguably the norm here, bears a large brunt of the responsibility as well. No private alternatives exist, courtesy of our political left.

Canada and Sweden are naturally two vastly different countries, but to openly dream and advocate of universal healthcare as some obviously superior choice, whilst chastising those who recognize the risks of such a system, is rather misleading.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread