'War Is Not a Game': AOC to File Amendment Banning US Military From Recruiting on Twitch

I don’t know if I agree with her on this.

While the army’s tactics in terms of advertising content may be a little bit too evocative of what you find in Call of Duty, it’s not like the US Army is doing a bad thing by telling kids “Hey, these interests you have may extend outward into a meaningful life path.”

I personally know a few people who were the “I only play shooters” type of gamer that enlisted and ended up taking their lives in very fulfilling directions.

It just seems like she’s creating a straw man out of gaming like so many other politicians before her. The problem really lies in the glorification of military service in all media. Not just ads. You can bar the military from making these pseudo sci-fi ads all you want, but we’ll still have films like American Sniper that glorify the actions of people who are thrust into incredibly violent situations.

No, war is not a game. I’m not saying I think it’s okay to impress a false image on young minds, But if there’s anything I’ve learned from playing games, it’s that war, war never changes. Which includes the effort to convince people to take part in it.

/r/politics Thread Link - commondreams.org