WCGW Wearing flip flops to the airport

Flip flops aren’t the problem here. Simply stepping off the escalator or moving sidewalk when you are supposed to could have prevented this. The problem was not paying attention to surroundings, and slightly janky machinery (the gap shouldn’t be that big). Shoelaces of other shoe styles can get caught if you’re unwise, too. So can the sole of another shoe style if it’s separated enough from the rest of the shoe. Like this commenter experienced.

I wear flip flops the majority of the time. I wear active/hiking sandals when I’m not. Gym shoes and other supposedly “comfortable” shoes give me plantar fasciitis, and gross sweaty feet. I’ve run through an airport in flip flops for a connecting flight due to my first flight being delayed. No issue.

Not that flip flops don’t have issues in certain situations. Steep, slick surfaces they’re a pain since there’s no support in the back to keep your feet in the shoe. Any situation where’s there’s a high risk of things falling on them, or of a person slipping, they also leave your feet defenseless. Bad for swimming due to not being held onto the feet, too. Cold, obviously as well. Airports are not one of those situations.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com