I went to the hospital. It was a mistake.

Oh, he is not an adult by any means. He is 22 and lives with me and my mom and contributes nothing. He's on dope and amphetamines and is a mean drunk and a bully who has taken over the whole house so that my mom and I share a room and a bed. He is a sociopath/malignant narcissist and his constant verbal and emotional abuse has gotten me so beaten down I believe that I'm the piece of garbage human and cunt that he says I am. His dad killed himself so he plays the suicide card when he sniffs tough love coming. I'm so so so frustrated because when he was a teenager and these problems were beginning I got NO BACK-UP whatsoever from my family when I really, really needed help NOT raising a cruel tyrant. Whenever I get the balls up to demand some change take place my Mom does the "poor boy" thing and REWARDS him. Example: 2 weeks ago he went on a meth binge and we put him in the hospital. So when he came home he was given my bedroom and the only place in the house where I can do my yoga, the only thing that makes me feel good and feel good about myself. Yes, obviously one solution is to charge him rent; make him responsible for finding his own rides to work and back; and quit giving him money (my Mom does this because "poor boy") for beer and cigarettes for half the week because his check is spent...or kick him out, let him figure out that bills need paying or you don't get hot water and electricity and internet...but he'd just end up losing his job the first week because he refuses to use an alarm clock - it's OUR responsibility to stay up until third shift hours, then wake him, then give him 20 more minutes, etc...he then gets up and watches a podcast and screws around and makes me wait while he is NOT GETTING READY FOR WORK when what I really need is to take my damn Seroquel and go to bed. He has told me that the thing he enjoys the most is making people feel bad and he is good at it. I have NO LIFE whatsoever - living a big lie here. Can't have anyone over because...where they gonna sit, on my mom's bed with me and my mom? I can't form relationships which I need badly because I cannot tell them, out of pride or shame, how we live (as prisoners) and why we don't "do something about it." Mom and I both have social security income and the house is free and clear, but neither of us can ever go out and DO anything because of supporting him. It pisses me off and makes me really sad that (because disability is hard enough to get by on, much less save money out of) I've not been on an airplane since 2002 and will probably never get on one again. Vacations and travel - not in this lifetime, missed that boat. Cultural events? Cost money. Community organizations where I might meet people I can be dishonest with about my life's circumstances? Nope, fees are involved. Concerts? A thing of the past. One frustrating thing is my mom NEVER would have let me get away with ANY of this shit. Since I was 15 I was responsible for finding my own rides to and from work, even living way out in the country. If we made that a rule, that he find his own rides or pay a Uber driver, he'd just quit work. Right now he's out with his best friend since age 12 probably doing more meth even though he only slept 2 hours last night before work and has to work again tonight, now running on no sleep. So drug-induced psychosis is only a day or two away. Sorry to go on like this, but I truly do not have local friends due to being self-employed since I've been here and working from home, and my two best friends in the world are so Jesus-y the only things they can say are that they will pray for us, a demon's got him, God already knows what you need before you ask Him, not in your time but in HIS, blah blah blah. So for TL;DR - PLEASE don't think that my son still being alive is any great accomplishment. So my life is like a landslide, except that instead of land sliding it's just pure shit. 44 years old and SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE.

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