What more evidence do they need?

Here's the thing. People find it very easy to rag on Christians for believing what they believe. Christians are leaning on their faith, "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." People who deride Christians for believing that the Earth is only millennia old are just looking at what science produces and says, "That's the only truth." Meanwhile, Christians (whether or not they know how to explain it or explain it correctly), believe in a Truth that encompasses and surpasses the truth that mankind uncovers.

Christians believe in an omnipotent Creator who spoke all of the universe and everything in it into existence, except for Man, who God formed with His own hands for the dust of the ground.

If someone can believe that God is capable of creating something out of nothing, ordering the galaxies and all the matter they contain to appear where He intends them to be, is it not well within God's ability to order the tiniest particles of matter to appear in a state of being such that it has all the characteristics of being incredibly ancient?

In the Bible, when God said, "Let there be light," He was making a command. We make commands every day on these computers. We click on icons which issue a simple command to execute an application. However, that application contains anywhere from thousands to millions of lines of code. God's "application" could have told every photon where he wanted it to be. If He could direct photons, why not any other particle?

Science has the ability to analyze data and reach conclusions, but one of the names of God is The Alpha and Omega, or, The Beginning and the End. Faith is not admissible as evidence for science, so science cannot utilize or recognize faith to reach such a Conclusion.

People of faith need to lay down arms against the concepts and tools man has developed to explore the universe, from the smallest particle the LHC has not yet identified, to the NQ2-NQ4 GRB Overdensity. One way or another, we will all learn more about the universe in which we live, and if you happen to be a person of faith, well, it just makes God all the more awe-inspiring.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - imgur.com