What is the worst thing that happened to you while being intoxicated?

Almost died from alcohol poisoning, had to get stomach pumped. Got arrested one time for public drunkenness. Made an ass of myself countless times, got robbed twice, lost most of my friends, sent stupid horny Facebook messages/texts, almost got beat up a few times, a couple of times people poured their drinks on me for saying stupid stuff, passed out in an alleyway and in a random field, passed out countless times at parties and woke up with dicks drawn all over me, peed my old bed a dozen times, peed on a friends couch while asleep and almost committed suicide. Hard to say which was the worst. The one I feel the worst about was drunk messaging my friends sister who was underage at the time. I thank all the deities I know that she didn't call the authorities.

Needless to say I no longer drink anymore, and yes alcoholism runs in the family so I should've known better. If any of this sounds like you then ask yourself is it really worth the trouble, I know the answer now. It's been about 3 years since my last incident and things are getting better.

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