What is your political affiliation?

I identify as somewhat far left based on the political climate in the USA, but I gladly donated to the Clinton campaign and really hope she wins the presidency. Would I have preferred a more leftist candidate? Of course! But Bernie wasn't it, with his impractical spending plans and completely indifferent attitude regarding foreign affairs. He is uncompromising and comes off as seeing some sensitive topics as black and white (like with fracking -- I still remember that ridiculous graphic of him side by side with Hillary stating her position, with him simply saying "My answer is a lot shorter -- NO [to fracking]") which isn't good. Plus I lost so much respect for him and his BoB she/he-banshees after the Nevada incident.

So... I went from a loving and very enthusiastic supporter of Sanders to being jaded and annoyed at the old man. Hillary isn't nearly as insincere as most articles try to claim she is, the fact that my fellow Democrat (or far left) women have bought into the (75-80%) myth caused by a decades-long smear campaign by the Republicans, disappoint me.

Plus she actually acts like she gives a shit about the disabled and is far more likely to try to do something for us than Bernie. there's a great article floating out there about a woman in a wheelchair who was a Berner like me, but after repeated attempts over a few months of trying to get into contact with the campaign about disabled rights, they only responded once. She held a phone conversation with one of their staffers about it and all he had to say was that the disabled with chronic pain should do yoga. Then she got into touch with the Clinto campaign and they responded almost right away and the author actually managed to get somewhere by a lot with them about the issue.

Long rant I know. But over the last couple of months I've gone from a reluctant Hillary voter to a legit supporter. Especially since I'm deaf. Y'all should at least get the card deck from her store and a woman card. :-P (Not a paid shill, I swear)

In the end I'm not sure how involved I'll end up being involved with US politics though, in the long term, since in a couple years or so I'll get married to my Canadian boyfriend.

/r/AskWomen Thread