[WP] Please remain in your homes, if you are not at home, find shelter immediately. Close all blinds and shades, block out all windows. Do not look outside. Do not look at the sky. Do not make noise. Your cooperation is vital to your survival.

It had been days since the warning had flashed on their phones, televisions, and various screens, warning them to stay inside and block out the windows. Garth and Jessica had invited two other couples two their house, Adam & Sarah, and Jake & Evelyn. They had all been friends for years, growing up in the same small town tends to form close bonds. But they had spread apart as their lives took them down separate paths, and Christmas had presented a rare opportunity for them to get together again. They sat, reminiscing about old times, not realizing how out-of-place Evelyn must have felt. Jake had met her in California and they planned on marrying soon, but it's difficult to enter into such a close friendship. After the warning they had all agreed to listen and wait for further word. They had speculated about what was going on outside, but it was silent. After the first day the warning message had disappeared and every channel was met with static. The phone lines must have been down as none of them could get a signal. The conspiracy theories they had joked about at first seemed to be growing more likely by the minute. Weeks passed. Garth and Jessica kept their pantry and refrigerator reasonably well stocked, and had prepared for an emergency by purchasing an extra case of water every time they went shopping, saving it just in case, but the food was all but gone, with a few measly rations remaining. Tensions were high, and arguments over rations and leaving occurred often. Adam and Evelyn had been talking in hushed tones late at night, and had been spending more and more time together. Jake and Sarah silently abhorring their behavior. Adam and Evelyn grew closer, and Evelyn began to suggest things. Horrible things. But as time went on, her ultimatum made more and more sense. One day, as they sat around sharing one of their last cans of beans, Jake stood up, saying "fuck this", he walked towards a window. A wild-eyed Adam charged from behind, grabbing a kitchen knife and imbedding it in his back. Everyone screamed. Adam justified his actions to the group and made it clear that no one was to step outside. Who knows what's out there. Evelyn spent her time weeping in whatever corner was unoccupied. Sarah had become ill. In another few days, she would die. The food was gone, their rationing too little, too late. Slowly, the bodies of their friends grew more and more appetizing. A few days of starvation and their flesh was too good to ignore. They had several days of feasting before the flesh began to rot. Evelyn began to convince Adam. "It's us or them". One night, as Garth and Jessica lie in bed, they crept up and into the room. They stabbed the too-trusting couple to death in their sleep, and enjoyed their meals for as long as they lasted. Adam and Evelyn had grown emaciated, and knew death was upon them. Adam hadn't slept in days, believing if he closed his eyes he would not open them again. And more and more he began to notice the hungry look in Evelyn's eyes. He knew what she had planned, so one night, as she slept, he performed the horrendous acts she had compelled him to do before. Prolonging his life became his mission. And after Evelyn's carcass had been picked clean, he knew he had no other choice. No one would come. He crawled painfully towards the door grabbing the handle. As he swung the door open he screamed, expecting death. Instead he was met with more silence. Crawling onto the street, he heard the distant sound of an approaching vehicle. The military vehicle halted and the men who exited were shocked to see a living soul in the city. They explained that after the EMP had detonated, power, service, and television had cut off. Nukes were expected to follow, and the government was unsure of what may come to pass, which is why the strange warning has been issued. They were charged with sweeping the houses and evacuating remaining citizens, as no one knew it was safe to go outside, but Garth and Jessica's was overlooked. The country was at war, but it was not the end of days. The soldiers entered the house. Adam knew what they would see. As he was wheeled into the accompanying ambulance, the weight of everything, all that he had done, crashed over him. A scream from inside, heavy footsteps rushing towards him. He knew what they had found. He looked up at the medic, "I'm a monster" he uttered. The medic turned to the soldiers, confused. He was too late to turn around, Adam had already clawed his eyes out.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread