I absolutely hate what this quarantine is bringing out in people I know.

Nobody wants to fuck me now, nobody wanted to fuck me when things were normal. I've had quite a few relationships and they're all ecstatic about my skills in bed, and just how I am as a boyfriend because I'm sensitive and loving, I'm not lazy, I like to cook and clean. Problem is I don't put up with bullshit so the people who I have dated leave me wanting, and pretty much every single relationship I've been in has been initiated by the woman, I like to just go with the flow.

It's actually been over a year since I've been with anyone, and even though I might be more lonely than your normal person, I'm not going to go out and meet someone until this is over. I'd rather get to know them first anyways. going out and meeting a potential romantic partner right now and dangers everyone that you have to see on a daily basis as well as everyone they have to see.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread