Are there any women that deal with having an Anxious Attachment style? If so, how did you go about identifying this, and how has it affected your romantic and personal relationships?

My boyfriend moved back to his parents this weekend because of (what I am now realising is) my anxious attachment and the fact that I get so easily stressed about our relationship. If we didn't spend a weekend doing something together, I panicked. If he called me by my name instead of a pet name, I panicked. I was always driving the relationship, asking him to be my boyfriend, asking him to move in etc, but looking back I think I was doing so partly out of fear that he didn't like me as much as I liked him so if I didn't push it, he'd never suggest it.

He says he's only gone temporarily to destress, but of course my anxiety makes it very difficult to believe this. He texts me every day and when we're talking I feel much better, but when he's quiet - even if realistically I know he has to work/drive etc, I'm having these obsessive thoughts that maybe he's letting me down easy, he's never coming home, and so on. It's agony - I've lost half a stone in five days because I literally can't eat from feeling awful. I'm trying hard to give him the impression that I'm coping fine, because I don't want to stress him further by letting him know how upset I am, but it's hard. My worst fear is that he won't come back, and I won't get a chance to be better.

/r/AskWomen Thread