The biggest problem I have with religious people is they tend to use their faith as an excuse to absolve themselves of all responsibilities.

I am actively searching for a solution. I think about it. I even talk about it with like minded people. I donate to charities when I have extra cash. I actually bought more food for a local food drive outside the grocery store than I did for myself. I am not currently in a position to be a philanthropist due to crippling debt accumulated as a result of poor financial decisions when I was 18, but once that gets paid off you best damn believe I'll figure out a way to help people, like actually physically help people and not just a cop out prayer just to make myself feel better without actually doing anything.

So, yeah. Pretty sure I'm justified in criticizing others. Most people are in a way better to position to help others than I am and I STILL go out of my way to do it while they spend their extra money on vacations and pray to magic wizard guy in the sky.

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