Capricorn stellium in a composite chart? 4th house ruled by Saturn in detriment? Jupiter in detriment too? Is it a “karmic” relationship or just not a great relationship? Thank you :)

So my interpretation would be that it’s clearly a Saturnian relationship - I don’t fear Saturn though, I like what it gives, its intensity and the maturity that it provides. And the Libra placements (Moon, ASC, NN) show that there’s a loving, beautiful side to it too. The Moon and NN in the 12 kind of amplifies the “karmic” aspect of this chart - both negatively and positively, and Chiron in the 1st I assume might have something to do with insecurity regarding the relationship; maybe not being sure what it really is, if it’s what’s needed, what’s wanted. An ongoing question of “what are we” amplified by the confused 12H moon. But the four planets in the 4th house bring stability to the table, even more so considering they’re all in Capricorn. I also believe that Capricorn, steady and stern as it is, is very loving, nurturing, just like its sister sign. There’s also a lot of squares, but friction is inevitable and maybe those cute trines help a bit. Our synastry is cute though - exception being Mars square Saturn and my Uranus squaring his beautiful Scorpio Venus and Jupiter lol

I’m still learning so I’d love if anybody would have anything to correct me on :) I might also be too much of an optimistic helpless romantic that sees the good in everything that’s not haha, I’m aware that this isn’t that much of a beautiful composite, but still!!!!!!!!

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