Do you chill with your DB partners?

Same boat here. DB for about 2 years. This past year I moved into the spare bedroom because otherwise we'd be in bed together watching Marvel movies for the thousandth time. I have my own space now in a separate bedroom where i can fall asleep without explosions and loud movies. Up until recently, we still chilled together but even that has gone sour - our favorite thing to do used to be going on long car rides together simply driving around seeing what we can see. Now, when we do that, it isn't quality time. Instead, it's just him looking around for yard sales and flea markets so he can buy Hot Wheels (he collects them). Our "chill / quality" time together isn't valuable any more and so here I am at nearly 11pm at night reworking my work schedule so I have a reason to not come home.

If you guys still chill together and can make that work, enjoy it while it lasts. If nothing else, it's something to build on. Try to keep it if you can.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread