Customer battering the shop owner because his food is spicy.

Nope, it was like that at first but later on things changed.

After the incident, police arrested him but released him after his statement.

After all the public backlash, he was fired from his job on 28th of February where he started working 3 months ago(5 days after the incident). After getting fired, he shared this on his social media (direct translation)

"I can beat (attack) or curse any body I want, it's none of your business. I lost my job because of you "

After getting fired, his brother took two of his friends with him and three of them attacked the workplace. With chairs and stuff they found laying around, breaking the windows and damaging property unil police arrived and arrested them. They arrested the attacker again after this incident.

The kid who got attacked got an assault report from the hospital after the incident and he is pressing charges, since he didn't curse or defend himself during the assault and it's clearly visible in the security footage, the case looks good and he might win and this asshole might get what he deserves. But this incident was in Turkey, I won't be surprised if the kid gets imprisioned instead of the attacker lol.

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