[CW] Pick your favorite franchise (Harry Potter, James Bond, Hunger Games, etc.) and start at the beginning. Immediately kill the protagonist, then continue the story.

He couldn't breathe. The rising sun hadn't even grazed the treetops when Arliden called haIt. After all, it was a family tradition to stop at the greystones. A Ruh would always welcome a days respite, time for mending and bonding. None more than Kvothe. Break meant more lessons. Abenthy was bent over his alchemist's flasks when Kvothe rushed into the carriage, "Will you teach me 'The Name of the Wind' today?" A dangerous proposal, to which Abenthy would give a well phrased warning as a reply. This time, however, the surprise caused him gasp and a whiff of Knave's Breath made his eyes roll. He wished kvothe to work on what he already knew but it came out as "Work it out." Not one to shy from a challenge, Kvothe resolutely moved out to chase the wind, unaware of the thud that followed. His unoccupied ingenuity already had enough ideas, sifted, sorted. This called for a stage, the tall greystone arches. As he climbed up, rolling plains appeared just beyond the highest trees. He could feel the wind. He set his mind in Heart of Stone and filled his lungs at a crescendo. Then, he blew away and the wind moved at his command, enveloping the red hair ablaze in sunlight. Slowly, the light went out of his bright green eyes. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe, his lungs were hot iron and the puny rib cage couldn't budge them. The master of the wind, if only he could move it. All his vain attempts were thwarted by vastness of nature. Then, the Doors of Stone took him. Aftermath: Kvothe was nowhere. Arliden hid behind his own doors. Estranged from the band, he wandered the earth in search of the one he couldn't find. The Mad Bard, they called him. Laurian followed in his footsteps, picking on his trail like they had once searched the Chandrian. But only songs remained in his wake. Her sister found her in her hopeless, ragged state, took her back home. There too, she played her part. Married the second most powerful man in the land, she succeeded the queen. And as it would come to pass. The Mad Bard, brought to the court as surprise for his beloved queen, became in the end of the king in his only moment of vengeful sanity. On the dark side of the moon, the being laughed as another pretty pair of wings dropped, motionless. Unbeknownst to all, the lockless box concealed one more secret, forever.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread