[CW] Write a short 2-dimensional story out of single paragraph blocks in a 3x3 matrix that tells a unique and coherent story when read across any row or down any column.

How did i do?   On an 1800’s war ship a Novice Captain Makes a Fatal Mistake

  The Ship  The HMS Pickle was a small fast ship, infact the fastest vessel in the royal navy. Her sleek new hull design sliced across the rolling waves. The Union Jack snapped and darted in the rushing wind. However, that speed came at the cost being lightly armed with only 6 cannon. Nonetheless her crew and captain were enamoured of her.|  Enemy Sighted    A midshipman’s eye saw two ships on the horizon. “That’s odd.”, puzzled the young officer, no other ships were expected in the area. Clearly a navigation error had been made. No markings were visible on the approaching ships, something was terribly wrong. As they drew closer Black Flags were raised. |  Flight    The lieutenant, assessed the situation. They were caught alright, the only way would be to run. That meant passing the oncoming ships, exposing the Pickle to two or more full broadside volleys. He bellowed, “GIVE ME ALL SHE’S GOT! AND THROW THE CANNON OVERBOARD … by god i hope it's enough.” | :--|:--|:--|   The Commander<p>The young captain stood proudly In full dress uniform. This was his first command. Not a noteworthy post, but he was still the master of his own ship. His distracted mind drifted from course corrections to his wife Fiona. |  His Wife<p>They were newlyweds, her and that dashing fellow. But being a captain’s wife was lonely, no honeymoon, and they had spent only a short time together during his last shore leave. She missed him terribly and wished for his quick return.. It should be any day now.|  Death and escape.<p>Cannon balls crashed into the hull, thick splinters staked unlucky sailors. In the confusion the captain went down, the ship’s pilot ran to his side. We made it, mused the lieutenant. Our sails are intact so we should escape.   |   The Captain’s Folly<p>The ship’s pilot shook his head. “He was stupid, i told him we were off course.” A sniper had blown open his forehead. Blood mixed with brain fluid on the deck.. staining his clothes. During the battle, that bright blue uniform and pompous hat made him a conspicuous target.|  His widow<p>HMS Pickle was overdue it’s arrival. A sailor's life was a dangerous occupation. A sick feeling welled up and Fiona felt faint. She lightly touched a hand to a swollen belly.  “I have this terrible feeling little one.. that you might grow up without a father”.|  Aftermath<p>The Pickle limped into harbour. She had been Hulled, the extra water had slowed the ship's return. But half the crew along with her Captain would never return.  The lieutenant spoke softly to the pilot. “Fiona has got to know, I will deliver the letter personally”|

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