I think you deserve a little more credit than a confession bear

I don't know why people have a hard time with this fact. Men have so much pressure to carry around. We take care of families. We pick up slack when the woman wants to stay home, and we give up a wage percentage when they want to go to work(stagnating wages have a lot to do with woman suffrage. I'm not being sexist. It's just true). We protect our families from harm. We make up the vast majority of people dieing for our country. We do a lot of shit as men. I'm not saying women don't sacrifice also. I've seen plenty of my friends turn into extremely good moms, even single moms and they have to sacrifice basically their freedom to raise their child. Along with a plethora of other unique challenges that women face, and men will never see. Everyone has their own struggles.

But we don't complain about the seven holidays we spend money on women. We don't complain about not being able to punch them in the face when they stab us with forks. We don't complain when we have to pay for dinner(if you go double Dutch good for you. That's a GGGina). But seriously we do a lot of shit to make our women happy. And it doesn't take much for women to make men happy.

If all it takes to make a good man happy, is a blowjob, or some sexy time every now and then, why are we chastised for it? It's human nature.

It's basic evolution. It doesn't mean we love our women any less. It just means "I have wants/needs/desires. I will bend over backwards and work my ass off to keep you comfortable. I'll buy you all Egyptian cotton towels. I'll even snuggle with you afterwards and surprise you with flowers. But if you want to do something for me...wake me up with a blowjob and I'll be putty in your hands afterwards."

A good girlfriend takes care of her man just like a good man takes care of his woman. Feminist make those loving acts seem degrading and evil which is unfortunate. Because blowjobs are beautiful.

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