Dysphoric about being gay :(

I feel dysphoric about my sexuality, too. But now I know why I feel that way. When I was 4-5 years old I wanted to marry another girl when I am an adult and so I told my mother. She was shocked and let me feel like I was something abnormal. So later I have denied every intense feeling towards women.

I'm 26 now and my partner is a cis male with a feminine touch. And I am pre everything. Now that I know that I'm a trans man it makes me feel uncomfortable being with the same gender. It was exactly the same when I thougt I was a woman. This pressure to be straight sucks. I repressed my sexuality (bi) my whole life because of homophobic people around me. And now it makes me feel like I'm not a real man. But I am! And it does not depend on my sexuality, even if it feels that way. And so are you! So heads up :) Gender and sexuality are two different things. We both now that, the other guys here know that and plenty of cis people know that! Let us dump this stupid thought/feeling together.

/r/ftm Thread