FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021 Alberta Totals: 140,823(+696) Active: 5,432(+345) In Hospital: 276(+5) ICU: 48(+4) Recovered: 133,437(+351) Deaths: 1,957(0) Positivity Rate: 5.76% R Value (95% CI): 1.07 (1.03-1.11)


From March 1, 2020, to July 31, 2020, a total of 76 088 all-cause deaths occurred among US adults aged 25 to 44 years, which was 11 899 more than the expected 64 189 deaths (incident rate ratio, 1.19 [95% CI, 1.14-1.23]; Table). Nationally, excess mortality occurred in every month of the study period and overall in every HHS region (Table and eTable in the Supplement). Among adults aged 25 to 44 years, 4535 COVID-19 deaths were recorded, accounting for 38% (95% CI, 32%-48%) of the measured excess mortality.

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