I just don’t give a fuck about Covid anymore.

Sorry, not sure how that relates to my comment. I was responding to the person who said they weren't going to let their parents into their home, unless their parents were vaccinated. I've been seeing a lot of the same thing, and I don't get what people are thinking....asking if they're safe to go here or there since everyone in attendance will be vaccinated. Like I said before, the guy we got it from is fully vaccinated, and so far five of his buddies have also tested positive for Covid....they went on a group vacation together, and now they're getting sick one after another with Covid, as well as transmitting it to others....despite all of them being fully vaccinated prior to going on their trip. So I'm genuinely confused as to why people think everything's safe and good to go, as long as people are vaccinated.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent