Karen blocks entrance to apartments

My friends always laughed about the times that would happen with me. I'm super emotional, cry a lot, etc. (turns out I'm autistic, fun one to not know til quasi-adulthood)

I am Hispanic and grew up in a very preppy environment with mostly white friends. When I would go to the country club, the other kids would call me "Dirty Mexican" or stuff like that (I'm not even Mexican so I would usually shrug it off). One day, this one kid just wouldn't stop and like was trying to treat me like I was one of the poolboys and shit and I, while bawling my eyes out and screaming "I. AM NOT. MEXICAN!" While slamming this guy against the fence and punctuating each word with a punch to the gut. Kid ran away crying but legit was not sobbing as hard as I was.

I still have friends trying to tell that story hahaha

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